There are already well established and reputed brands in the same business but how your
product is going to be different.
Diamond Apparel aims to provide the highest quality possible whilst still being affordable to our target market. How we will stand out will be through the unique and appealing designs we will offer.
Who are your suppliers?
Our main suppliers are alphabroder, t-shirt.ca and apparel.com.
What is your pricing policy?
Our pricing policy is based on covering all costs associated with the production of our apparel, whilst staying profitable and being affordable to our customers.
Why is your demographic in the target market so small?
Our demographic is very specific to our customers by keeping them as the focus when considering designs and the type of styles we will be producing. Our approach is to have a small number of customers who are extremely happy rather than many people who are just satisfied with our products.
Are your clothes weather friendly and durable?
Yes, our clothes are weather friendly, and our hoodies will definitely keep you warm in winter
Is there a brand/company that you aspire to be like?
We recognize that many brands are excelling in the premium quality apparel industry and recognize these brands such as Raw Gear and YoungLa.
Are you looking to open all your stores at once? Or gradually expanding your locations?
All our products will be online and we plan on having occasional storefronts at events such as River Boat days in Terrace and the Fall Fair in Smithers.
Are there any barriers to entry that may worry you?
A major barrier to entry is to make sure we are able to meet all the needs of our customers, especially in the early stages of our business as our customers’ reviews and exposure will determine the success of our brand to a large degree.
Do you expect to make a profit in the first year?
Whilst this goal is very ambitious it would be great to be profitable within the first year. In a perfect world, yes, we will be profitable in the first year, however, this could change with the unpredictable times we find ourselves in.
How will you pick your influencer, will they be local?
Influencers will be picked from the base of a few points such as how many followers/friends they have on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat. What is the engagement of their followers. With our first drop, we will mainly focus on influencers locally but will eventually expand within Canada.
How large of an inventory will you bring to special events such as River Boat Days?
The inventory that we will bring to events will vary based on the expected turnout we have predicted, but we will be able to guarantee around 100-150 pieces of apparel available at the first event we attend!
Investor’s Questions
How long would the graphic designer contract last? Will it be a recurring role if they were to work remotely?
The graphic designer contract would be based on each apparel drop, which will be on a monthly basis. However, we are looking for a graphic designer who is able to deliver based on our requirements for the drop, and if we are able to find this individual then we would like to extent to contract to be resigned on a yearly basis.
Would there be high shipping costs?
Diamond Apparel will be only offered in North America. As time goes on, we will be able to minimize shipping costs however the most an individual could be expected to pay would be $15 for shipping, but an average of $10 for shipping will be most likely.
Which influencer marketing method will you be using? (Ex. Brand Ambassador, Affiliate Marketing, etc.)
We will be using different influencer marketing strategies in Diamond Apparel as we progress, however the most apparent form of influencer marketing will be Affiliate Marketing.
Will you offer custom apparel if there’s a demand?
If we see a demand for custom apparel, then we would love to tap into that market.
How many employees will you have working from your house?
During the month of the drop, we will have a maximum of 1 employee working from my home if I am starting to get behind of fulfilling orders.
How is Diamond Apparel different from other brands that are well-known in the industry?
Diamond Apparel is happy to say that we are ethical in our approach to business. We put our customers first and those working for us. We aim to stay competitive within the market whilst still being affordable.
How much are you expecting as an initial investment from an investor and where would this investment be allocated?
We aim to have an initial investment of $5000, from an investor. This $5000 would be directly allocated to inventory purchased.
Where are the products manufactured? How can you ensure quality and ethical sourcing of the products and raw materials?
Our products will be manufactured throughout Canada and the United States, depending on the item we are producing. We plan on keeping a good relationship with our distributes and printers to make sure they are practicing ethical work behaviors. We also plan on visiting the manufacturing warehouses on a yearly basis to see the behind the scenes of how our apparel is being made.
What is an estimated profit margin for the business? How can you ensure affordability and quality while making profit given the fact that production within Canada normally comes at a high cost?
The estimated profit margin can range from 30-40% depending on the item. However, with keeping in mind expenses and capital that stay in the company, we are working with around 10-15% margins.
We place high importance on quality and affordability, hence why we have put a lot of research into finding the best manufacturers and why we have worked very hard to form these synergies such as a synergy with Canada Post and UPS.
Who are your main competitors within the area?
Our main competitors would be Step 3 project and local stores such as Gemma’s. However, our goal is to form a synergy where we can promote one another and help each other succeed.
Customer’s Questions
Is there a return or refund policy? How will this be handled in an event where a customer is not satisfied with the product?
All items are returnable, keeping in mind they are still in unused condition. We give our customers the option of a full refund or an option of credit for their next purchase.
How will you incorporate customer feedback for future production if there is limited control in the manufacturing of the products?
We take customer feedback very seriously and listen to all concerns and ideas from our customers. We do operate in a very fast-moving environment and have a tentative list of ideas that we want to incorporate into the items that we offer. However, if we hear of an idea from a customer for a new product that aligns with our vision, then we will be able to incorporate it into our new drop within 3 months.
How often will discounts be given out to customers?
We love to be able to give discounts to customers as much as can. Depending on our sales for the season will determine the number of sales we will have. However, we can guarantee 4 sales per year.
How will you encourage customers to repurchase their apparel from you?
One of our main focuses is that we can guarantee our apparel is created from start to finish in an ethical manor. We also are contributing to the success of our economy from creating jobs in North America from our warehouses to our staff locally. Lastly, we create a quality product that will last for many years, saving you money in the long run.
Will you offer free shipping?
Yes, if your order is over $150 then shipping is on us!
Will you have a loyalty program?
No, however, we would love to offer this in the future!
What sizes will your clothing range?
Our clothing ranges from small to 4XL, and we offer adjustable hats.
What type of material will you be using? Is it environmentally friendly?
Our material contains 82/18 cotton/poly fleece. We aim to practice as many environmentally friendly practices as we are able to.
Will you offer footwear in the future?
For the next year we don’t plan on releasing any footwear, however, if we hear there is a demand for this industry, then we would love to explore this avenue.
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